

The General Assembly is IMSA’s supreme and legislative body. The IMSA Council is the strategic and oversight body, and the Management Board is the executive, operational and administrative body of IMSA.

Commissions established by the IMSA Council advise and assist the Council and the Management Board in fulfilling their duties,  and conduct their activities and perform their duties entirely in the interest of IMSA and in accordance with the Statutes and regulations of IMSA.

1.1 Each Commission, as established by the IMSA Council, will be formed by people who have particular, deep and professional knowledge in a specific field because of his or her profession, studies, career, preparation and experience.

1.2 Each Commission shall work on specific targeted issues that the IMSA Council deem important and shall so report its recommendations to the IMSA Council. Moreover, they shall contribute to the achievement of the IMSA Strategic Goals.

1.3 When appointing members IMSA shall take high consideration about gender balance, fair regional and geographical representation and ensure great diversity.

1.4 In the event of the Chairperson being impeded from performing his or her duties as Chair, the Commission Vice Chair shall perform these functions until the vacancy will be fulfilled.

1.5 Commissions do not have any executive authority. Their proposals require the approval of the IMSA Council.

1.6 In the event of removal, death, resignation, or inability of a member to perform his or her functions, the member shall be replaced.

1.7 All IMSA Commissions must hold at least two (2) online meetings per year. The Chairperson must also meet annually with the IMSA Council to submit their recommendations.

1.8 The meetings are convened by the Chairperson of the Commission through the IMSA secretariat.

1.9 The agenda and the working documents, as well as the minutes of the meetings, are prepared by the Chairpersons.

1.10 IMSA Commissions may propose additional tasks to advise on and the IMSA Council in consultation with the Management Board will decide whether to extend the remit accordingly.

Overall, the development commission plays a critical role in nurturing talent, expanding participation, and improving the overall standard of the sport within the sports federation. They focus on creating opportunities, providing resources, and implementing programs that facilitate the growth and development of mind sports federations, athletes, trainers, officials, and infrastructure at all levels.

The functions of the Development commission for IMSA involve the following:

2.1. Grassroots and Youth Development: The Development commission focuses on promoting and developing mind sports at the grassroots and youth levels. They design and assist in implementing programs to encourage participation, provide resources, and create pathways for athletes and officials to progress within the sport.

2.2. Talent Identification and Development: The Development commission is also responsible for identifying and nurturing talent within the sport and directing them to IMSA Members. They promote programs and initiatives to identify promising athletes at the grassroots level.

2.3. Trainer and Official Development: The commission supports the development of trainers and officials for the various member mind sports. They organize workshops and seminars, and facilitate mentorship opportunities to enhance the quality and expertise of national federation officials, trainers and arbiters.

2.4. Infrastructure, Resources and Facility Development: The commission works towards the improvement and development of mind sports infrastructure, resources and facilities.

2.5. NMSF Development. National Mind Sports Federation assistance with governance, membership and organizing mind sport events.

2.6. International Collaboration and Exchange: The commission fosters international collaboration and exchange programs to expose athletes, coaches, and officials to different training methods, competition structures, and cultural experiences. They facilitate participation in international tournaments, training camps, and knowledge-sharing initiatives. The commission collaborates with member associations within the sports federation to align development initiatives with their specific needs and priorities. They provide guidance, resources, and support to member associations in implementing development programs at the regional or national level.

2.7. Monitoring and Evaluation: The Development commission monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of development programs and initiatives. They assess performance indicators, and conduct impact assessments to measure the progress and outcomes of their efforts.

Overall, the event commission plays a crucial role in the successful planning, execution, and management of sports events on behalf of the sports federation. They ensure that events are organized professionally, adhere to established standards, and contribute to the growth and promotion of the sport.

The functions of the Events commission for IMSA involve the following:

3.1. Event Planning and Organization: The Events commission is responsible for developing the Event Organisation Guide for planning and organizing mind sports events on behalf of IMSA. They assist in coordinating various aspects of event management, including venue selection, scheduling, logistics, and administration.

3.2. Competition Management: The commission oversees the management and execution of sports competitions sanctioned or organized by the federation. They ensure that all necessary arrangements are in place, such as participant registration, event rules and regulations, officiating, and scoring systems.

3.3. Budgeting and Financial Management: The Events commission is responsible for developing event budgets, and monitoring financial resources allocated to each event. They work closely with the host city or organisers to ensure proper financial planning and accountability.

3.4. Medical, Safety and Security: The commission develops operating procedures for the safety and security of participants, spectators, volunteers and staff during sports events. They collaborate with relevant authorities, security personnel, and medical services to implement appropriate safety measures and emergency response plans.

3.5. Event Evaluation and Feedback: After each event, the commission evaluates its success and gathers feedback from stakeholders, including participants, spectators, sponsors, and officials. This information is used to assess the effectiveness of event operations, identify areas for improvement, and guide future event planning.

3.6. Legacy and Sustainability: The commission considers the long-term impact and sustainability of sports events. They explore opportunities to leave a positive legacy, such as developing grassroots programs, promoting sports development, and fostering community engagement beyond the event itself.

3.7. Calendar. As IMSA continues to grow in terms of International Mind Sports Federations, National Mind Sports Federations, Partners, then it is critical to monitor the Calendars of all Stakeholders and develop a long-term perspective for the IMSA Calendar.

3.8 Bidding Procedure. To draw up a procedure for identifying the steps where bids may be needed for IMSA events and to monitor bids where these may be utilized.

Overall, the Marketing commission plays a vital role in driving revenue, enhancing the brand image, and promoting IMSA to a wider audience. They work towards creating mutually beneficial partnerships, with IFs, host cities, NMSFs and maximizing the commercial potential of IMSA.

The functions of the Marketing commission for IMSA involve the following:

4.1. Sponsorship: The commission identifies and assists the Management Board in targeting potential sponsors.

4.2. Brand Development: The Marketing commission plays a crucial role in building and promoting the brand image of IMSA. They develop the guidelines for the brand book and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, communication strategies, and branding guidelines to enhance the visibility, reputation, and recognition of IMSA.

4.3. Media and Broadcasting: The commission works on building relationships with media to secure media coverage and broadcasting rights for IMSA events. They evaluate the partnerships with media outlets, broadcasters, and streaming platforms to ensure wide coverage and maximize exposure for IMSA and its events.

4.4. Event Marketing: The commission collaborates with event organizers to develop marketing plans and promotional activities for sports events. They aim to attract spectators.

4.5. Digital Marketing and Social Media: With the increasing influence of digital platforms, the marketing commission focuses on leveraging digital marketing channels and social media platforms to promote IMSA. This may include providing guidelines for managing official websites, social media accounts, and online advertising campaigns.

4.6. Market Research and Analysis: The commission conducts market research and analysis to identify trends, assess consumer preferences, and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing initiatives.

4.7. Collaboration and Stakeholder Management: The commission collaborates with various stakeholders, including sports associations, government entities, sponsors, media outlets, and local communities. They establish and maintain positive relationships to facilitate cooperation and support for sports events.

4.8. Advocacy and Promotion: The commission advocates for the sport and its development needs at various levels. They raise awareness of the sport’s benefits, engage with stakeholders, and promote the value of investing in grassroots development as a means to enhance the sport’s popularity, talent pool, and long-term sustainability.

The Social Commission serves IMSA to address various social aspects related to the sport and its participants. Overall, the Social Commission serves as a vital entity within IMSA, working towards creating an environment that upholds and promotes social values, promotes equality, and ensures the well-being of all individuals involved in the sport.

The functions of the Social commission for IMSA involve the following:

5.1 Equality and Inclusion: The Social Commission works towards ensuring equality, diversity, and inclusion within the sport. It develops and implements policies and initiatives that promote equal opportunities for all individuals regardless of their gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or physical ability.

5.2 Welfare: The Social Commission focuses on the welfare and well-being of athletes, coaches and officials. It may develop policies and programs related to health, safety, and protection. This can include measures to prevent and address issues such as doping, substance abuse, mental health, etc…

5.3 Social Responsibility: The Social commission promotes social responsibility within IMSA. It may encourage and organize initiatives related to community engagement, sustainable development, and corporate social responsibility. This can involve collaborations with external organizations and outreach programs to give back to society.

5.4 Education and Awareness: The Social Commission plays a crucial role in educating stakeholders about important social issues. It may research and develop materials, conduct seminars, and raise awareness about topics such as fair play, respect, tolerance, and ethical behavior.

The Technical Commission plays a crucial role in overseeing and managing technical aspects related to mind sports. Its primary functions revolve around ensuring the technical integrity, development, and standardization of the sport.

The functions of the Technical commission for IMSA involve the following:

6.1 Technical Standards and Guidelines: The commission advises on technical standards and guidelines for mind sports in co-ordination within the parameters set by IMSA International Mind Sport Federations. This includes defining equipment specifications and any other technical aspects that are essential for fair competition.

6.2 Technical Development and Innovation: The commission focuses on the technical development and innovation within Mind sports including but not limited to Virtual Mind Sports . It may collaborate with experts, athletes, officials and other stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and development. Following approval by the Management Board, the commission may initiate research projects, or recommend the adoption of new technologies to enhance the technical aspects of mind sports.

6.3 Technical Education and Certification: The commission develops technical publications and materials, organizes seminars, workshops to enhance technical knowledge and skills within the sport. This ensures a consistent and competent technical workforce.

6.4 International Relations: The Technical Commission participates in discussions with other national and international mind sports organizations, related to technical matters, rule harmonization, and standardization efforts. This fosters cooperation and consistency in technical aspects across different jurisdictions.

6.5. Sports Science and Research: The commission promotes the integration of mind sports science and research into the development of the sport. They collaborate with academic institutions, sports scientists, and researchers to conduct studies, and review best practices for technical development of stakeholders in mind sports.

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